How to reduce YOUR carbon footprint

 Hi! assalamualaikum

I Hope you all are doing well, staying safe and healthy. On this week's topic, we will talk about how do we reduce carbon footprint.

First and foremost, what is carbon footprint anyways? well according to WHO, a carbon footprint is a measure of the impact your activities have on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced through the burning of fossil fuels. This means a carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, or product.

Now to be honest with you all, personally I have practiced on reducing my own carbon footprint occasionally e.g. I reduce my energy use in my house by turning off electric appliances when in not use like a fan or AC. Now I know this is basic thing to do but, these little things will add up and reduces your overall carbon footprint.

From time to time, I try to use renewable energy sources or reduce energy consumption by installing LED lights  around the house and choosing energy-efficient appliances e.g. refrigerator.

Carbon footprint is directly involved in the causing of global warming. Global warming has been a hot topic for the past years and I believe it will still remain in the headlines for next century. We've all heard of global warming but most of us still remain to ignore this issue. Here is a video of what would happen if global warming continues while we turn a blind eye to this issue:

Now that I looked further into this topic, I still have a lot to contribute in reducing my carbon footprint. I will try to :

  • Cycle or walk whenever possible, or use a motor cycle instead of cars when I'm travelling within a short distance.
  • Choose recycled products and remember to recycle things when I no longer need it e.g. use reusable bag when shopping.
  • Support companies who have strong sustainable values and practices.
That's all from me guys and I hope this blog has been beneficial to you. If I can practice reducing carbon footprint, then you all can too. Lets all get together and make this world a better place for us and the future generations.

Thank you and I will see you next week bye :)


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas, brother! Keep up the good fight & may we all be able to do our part in reducing our carbon footprints together 🦾


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